Archive for the ‘Aslam Sher Khan’ Category

Hockey: Action atlast… IHF suspended, KPS Gill sacked.

April 28, 2008

At last there seems to be some progress towards managing the Indian Hockey Federation. KPS Gill was unceremoniously sacked as chief of the Federation and IHF was suspended with immediate effect.

Indian Hockey will now be ruled by a committee comprising of Aslam Sher Khan(head of committee), Ashok Kumar, Dhanraj Pillay , Ajit Pal Singh and Zafar Iqbal. Hope these stalwarts of Indian Hockey will be able to provide a vision for Indian Hockey as well as ensure that Hockey gets itself up back to where it needs to be.

However I wonder if this action has come a few years late. With KPS Gill ruling the Indian Hockey Scene with an Iron grip, his chelas am sure would have stuffed their cupboards with more than a few skeletons. How many of those Skeletons will tumble out of their well stocked cupboards is something that needs to be seen in the days to come.

Will the committee be given the freedom to manage Indian Hockey the way it needs to be managed. I am sure these mongrels will make a comeback in no time given their penchant for backroom maneuvering.