Archive for the ‘FIH’ Category

Now KPS Gill gets angry with FIH

April 28, 2008

KPS Gill is an angry young man now. Angry over the comments made by the FIH Chief. But Jothikumaran has found support from Hockey associations. His home association, the Tamil Nadu Hockey Association has fallen in line and has supported him to the core, saying they are prepared to go to the courts to prove Jothikumaran did nothing wrong.

While everyone gets angry at everyone else, what is odd is that, no seems to be worried about the state of the affairs in the Hockey Federation. Gill’s hold over the federation seems to be so great that you can as well as rename the federation as Gill’s Hockey Federation.

IHF in trouble again

April 28, 2008

In a damning indictment of the Indian Hockey Federation, the FIH has asked the Indian Olympic Association to get things right with the Hockey Federation or else the Hockey project as well as the 2010 World Cup will be cancelled.

Speaking to reporters the FIH Chief Els Vran Breda Vriesman said it was incomprehensible on how a body could function with a Secretary of the Board being accused of Corruption. The Chief went on to suggest that even Gill could be involved in it as he has been supporting his Secretary.

Here is an article on the same

FIH conspired to keep India out of Olympics

March 14, 2008

According to Carvalho, the Coach of the Indian Hockey Team, FIH has conspired to ensure that India did not qualify for the Olympics. As I read through what he has written, I do feel that he has some very valid points.

How was the Tournament Director allowed to wake up Indian Players before the match and chide them for playing in the harms way. That is something really astonishing as none of the video’s suggested any foul play nor did the Referee call for a foul.

Read the article

It was a painful home-coming for the team and I feel sorry for the boys. The team’s failure to qualify for the Olympics evoked strong reactions in the country and it is now very important to support the players in these difficult times.

The last few days have given me the time to ponder about what went wrong in Santiago and I feel that we could have still made it to the Beijing Olympics if the umpiring was not biased against us.

We were just not allowed to play our natural game in the final match against Great Britain by the umpires and the Tournament Director. There was a discreet conspiracy by the FIH and Great Britain.

In our league match against Great Britain, we received two yellow cards. Our boys were pulled up without reason and these cards were not warranted. But the British were getting away scot-free.

Tushar Khandekar was hooked in the penalty area and was floored. No stroke was given, which we deserved. Vikram Khan getting a yellow card was justified. But the British player, who was also involved in the incident, was given a warning.

Shivendra Singh was given a yellow card when he slipped over there. The British player had hooked Shivendra and no penalty was awarded or a card given to him.

The incident was viewed on the video after the match and the umpire’s blunder was accepted by the Tournament Director. But then, India paid a heavy price for these lapses.

After the league match against Britain, the tournament director called our manager and the three Indian players at the ground. They offered to show the video clippings that our players had indulged in fouls.

The same night, the boys were called from their rooms at 11.00 pm and given a letter saying that “This is not the way you all should be playing. You are all international players. How can you play like this and we are warning you. You all will be severely pulled up in the final match.”

They literally psyched out our main players. Why did they call Gurbaz Singh when he had not received a yellow card at all? It was just to put us under pressure ahead of such a crucial match.

Our boys had mentally lost the game even before going onto the field. They were totally shattered. Gurbaz and other players were asking me as to how they can go for a tackle when they were sure that they will be given yellow cards and suspensions.

People concerned in FIH require their privacy and do not want to be disturbed. It is also a mystery to me as to how the hotel management allowed international players disturbed at the dead of the night. I believe there are some new rules brought in by the FIH.

The Tournament Director applied pressure on our boys under the pretext of a complaint by the British coach for intentional fouls by our players. The video replay showed that Gurbaz had not touched any player. The umpire also did not warn Gurbaz. How can the tournament director issue Gurbaz such a severe letter?

When I queried they said this is something new that the FIH has started recently. But, can they come at 11 in the night?

I also read some articles where Ric Charlesworth said that I was keen to keep him away from the team and that I was responsible for preventing him from going to Chile. Charlesworth had said that if he had come to Santiago, India would have qualified.

It is very surprising as Charlesworth had earlier said that it will take India five years to get to the top. Could he do it in one day?

Secondly, in Chile, Bob Davidson of the FIH called me up and said Ric was waiting in Perth. The Indian government and SAI had told him that if I wanted, Charlesworth will be in Chile.

I told Davidson “how can I answer this question of yours? Who am I to answer this question?”

When we went to Australia for a few exposure games, I was not even aware that he (Charlesworth) is coming to Perth. Before leaving India for Perth, I had acknowledged his efforts in arranging the tour. Nobody from the Government or SAI has advised me till now about Charlesworth’s involvement with the senior team. When did I say I don’t want Charlesworth?

I think it is time that we compare these incidents to what happened to our cricket players in Australia recently. The umpires killed our Test team in Australia. The Indian Cricket Board and the media supported them fully. Then, the ICC crumbled down.

Now, the same thing should be done instead of criticising the Indian hockey players. In this case, the Indian people and the media should have supported the players. We should compare as to what generally happens to our cricket teams on their tours to Australia and England.

Were there any instances of a cricketer being called from his room to the lobby at the dead of the night and reprimanded by the Match Referee? This does not happen and should not happen even in future to any sportsperson in the world. Definitely, our boys were under pressure.

When I announced that I will quit, the boys were so upset that they all came to me and pleaded to me that I should not quit. They all said we do not want anybody to come and spoil the composition of the team built all these 10 months. It is just one bad match that we played. They said that if I quit they will be totally shattered and they do not want to continue.

I am going to mention all these in my report to the IHF, which goes to the SAI and the Sports Ministry also.

The FIH did not post neutral umpires as has been the practice in such tournaments. When they had a European and a South African to officiate in our final match, why they did not have an Asian to officiate with the European or South Africans? They cannot because an Asian will not succumb to FIH to fix India.

Gill wants rules to be changed for qualifying to Olympics

March 13, 2008

The Indian Hockey Federation (IHF) President KPS Gill has put the entire onus on the International Hockey Federation (FIH) for India’s failure to qualify for the Beijing Olympics.

Gill refused to blame the team’ performance for the loss in the qualifying tournament at Santiago in Chile that saw India losing out a spot in Olympics hockey for the first time in 80 years.

He also hinted at appointing a foreign coach to prepare for 2012 Olympic Games and said the present team has an excellent bunch of players and are doing fine.

Instead the IHF chief, who has been facing a lot of flak for India’s dismal performance, said that the FIH must chance the present system of qualification and added that the defeat should be taken positively as it gives the team time to prepare for the 2012 London Olympics with single-minded dedication.

Calling former players, who have been demanding more professionalism in the IHF and better training for the players, ‘professional mourners’, Gill ruled out that he had any plan to quit.

In fact former skipper Dhanraj Pillay and former goalkeeper AB Subaiah have called for the resignation of Gill after the debacle.

“It’s the worst day for Indian hockey. It’s time to replace the top officials of the federation. IHF never tried to take the help of players like me who have played for the country so long,” Pillay said after India lost in the qualifiers.

Gill also revealed that the resignation of chief hockey coach Joaquim Carvalho has not been accepted. Carvalho had quit after the Indian hockey team failed to qualify for the Olympics.

Carvalho will be meeting Gill on March 18 to discuss the Olympics qualifier debacle in detail.

However, he accepted the resignation of IHF vice-president Narender Batra.