Archive for the ‘Kuala Lumpur’ Category

Football: India Stuns Uzbekistan

November 10, 2008

Indian girls made a winning start to their qualifying campaign for the AFC U-16 Women’s Championship 2009 upsetting mighty Uzbekistan 3-1 at the KLFA Stadium in Kuala Lumpur.
Playing in the Group B match last night, India took the lead late in the first half when Yumlembam Premi Devi struck in the 32nd minute.

However, their advantage was neutralised after just nine minutes when Selime Gugueva found the equaliser.

After the lemon break, Indian girls stamped their authority over their opponent and scored two late goals to wrap up the issue.

Elangbam Devi helped India to take the lead once again when she scored in 86th minute and Salam Rina Roy Devi struck in time added on to put the finishing touches.