Archive for the ‘Magad Salama’ Category

2 Weightlifters banned for life for doping a 2nd time

October 3, 2008

2 Indian weightlifters have been banned for life for doping a 2nd time. Sateesha Rai and Boradi Prameelavalli have both been banned for life for taking drugs a second time. Baldev Gulati has confirmed that the 2 lifters have been banned for life.

Sateesha Rai was initially suspended for six months after testing positive for a stimulant at the Manchester Games and was again caught doping last year for a banned steriod stanozolol during the National Games. It is the same case with Prameelavalli too. She had tested postive during an out of competition testing in 2006 and then again was caught doping during a Junior meet last month. However Prameelavalli has the option of going on appeal or to the court with in the next 3 months.

Weightlifting and Indian lifters have never been free from controversies. The Federation itself was banned after 4 lifters failed their doping test in a single year. Infact Magad Salama who was the coach of the Indian Team, went on to resign accusing the seniors in the sport of doping.

More on the Doping controversies in the Indian Weightlifting Federation is available at this link

Kavita Banned for doping

May 14, 2008

In another scandal to hit Indian Sports, a weightlifter was banned after she was found to have failed a drug test. She has been banned for 2 years on the trot. Kavita usually competes in the 75 kg section. What confirmed her guilt is the fact that she was not willing to take the B sample test.

This also brings back into focus the allegations that a former coach of the Indian Weighlifting team had made when he quit. Magad Salama had accused several senior weightlifters of taking performance inducing drugs. He also had a raging row on this with the federation chiefs before he walked out of his contract.