Archive for the ‘Vasco SC’ Category

Football: India: Somebody Needs To Control The Fans – Elvis

December 15, 2008

“I hope we continue to play with the same intensity in our last game against Oil India and then hope for the best. The boys put on a good performance and they deserve all the credit,” said Elvis.

The Goan coach also explained why he was asked to leave from the dug out towards the end of the game.

“The fourth official told me not to wear my suit as it would distract the players. I protested against this and asked how it distracts. He advised me to sit down and when I refused to do so, the referee decided to eject me. I didn’t understand the reason for it,” said Elvis.

The game was marred with some rowdy behaviour on the part of Mohun Bagan fans as they threw bottles on the field to show their distraught against the result.

“Somebody needs to control the fans. The clubs must be warned and then fine must be imposed on them by the AIFF. We must have a progressive plan and it must be followed strictly without any bias,” added Elvis.