Archive for the ‘Yuvraj Singh’ Category

What did Yuvraj tell Sania Mirza ?

October 21, 2008

Oh well, before you jump into conclusions, here is what he said. He is reported to have suggested that Sania meet Jatin Chuadhary for getting her forearm treated. Here is what Sania had to say about what Yuvraj told her

“Yuvi told me that there was this doctor who could cure me in seven to ten days,” Sania told TOI. “The call came at a time when I was staring surgery in the face for the second time in six months and thinking, that’s another year of my tennis gone. I had gone to the best doctors in the world, had surgery and nothing was working. Sometimes, I couldn’t even feel my little finger, the pain was numbing. Yuvi told me that Jatin fixed his shoulder in ten minutes, and that it could work for me too.””

Talking on her experience of getting treated by Jatin, Sania says

“When I went to Jatin, he put some 30-35 needles on my index finger, and every time he hit the spot I felt an electric current go through me. He left the needles on for 30 minutes and he did this about three-four times a day. It was very painful, because the more times he did it the more sore the finger felt. After two days he asked me to bend my wrist and I had regained 90 per cent of the movement. Just before I started the treatment I had done an ultra sound and there were cysts in the area. After 10 days of treatment, there was no significant scarring tissue, my bones were fine and the two cysts were gone.”

Jatin Choudhry, a physiotherapist by profession, has done his Ph.D in Sports Medicine and has specialized in the rare South Korean science of spiral therapy, which is the regeneration of body cells.